top black indie comic book creators

9 Black Indie Comic Book Creators

#RunTheCulture Black superheroes have officially gone mainstream. You have the massive success of Black Panther, Sam Wilson aka Falcon becoming the new Captain America in the MCU, and the successful run of Black Lightning on TV. But of course it all starts with comic books. And with the ability to self publish there’s no need…

CFTC Interviews 2018

CFTC BEST OF 2018: Interviews

2018 has been an epic year for creators for The Culture at large and us here at Creators For The Culture the blog. We’re taking a look back at the best of the best of our posts this year and here we’re focusing on the interviews. From comic book creators, to YouTubers, to the editor-in-cheif…

is'nana were spider comic book

The Feat. – Is’nana The Were-Spider Comic Book

  Today on The Feat. in honor of both New York Comic Con and the start of Spooky SZN we’re featuring a very original black comic book Is’nana The Were-Spider.     What’s it about? Accidentally breaking a barrier between our world and theirs (called THE MOTHER KINGDOM), Is’nana, the son of Anansi (The West African God…