THE FEAT. – 3 Black Geeks

Today on The Feat. we are featuring three of the hardest working content creators in the game today repping for both The Culture and the nerds, 3 Black Geeks.
The name explains a lot as the 3 Black Geeks collective consist of well…3 black geeks (CJ, Dee, and DjTsu) discussing everything pop culture. They review the best black movies, martial arts, anime/manga, comics, and everything that, as they put it, “white people think black people aren’t into.”
And by “discuss” and “everything” we mean they produce a dizzying amount of content. They have not one, not two, but seven different podcast including ones dedicated to movie reviews, sports, anime and interviews. They really do discuss everything and they are informative and entertaining, In all of their podcast they cut loose and talk like no one is listening. Things get nerdy, things get real.
Black geek culture is just as much a part of The Culture as anything else and is finally starting to get the props it so richly deserves. 3 Black Geeks are at the forefront of this movement and if you count yourself as a black nerd or geek, they are crew you should check out.
Check out more of Podcast on The Feat.
Written by @TalentedMrFord