INTERVIEW: Dasia Moore MILF Ministry

Dasia Moore and her MILF Ministry are blending lifestyle, fashion and podcasting with a heavy dose of faith. Dasia is a creator for The Culture with a story to tell and is trying to do her part to change the world for the better. Check out our interview with this inspirational young entrepreneur.
Tell us about yourself and your career so far, Who is Dasia and what made you want to be an entrepreneur?
Hey, I’m Dasia. Rondasia depending on who you ask. But that’s between me and you. Born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey. I married my church sweetheart at 18 and we moved across the country to Arizona. We were blessed enough to have owned homes and built successful careers early in life. God had so abundantly blessed us in many ways, but the greatest blessing to come from my marriage is our beautiful baby girl. Divorced after 9 years, I made the decision to seek God in a way like never before. At 27 I faithfully started my life over. I found myself working as a server at Hooters and driving Lyft. It’s crazy now that I think about it, the world can look at that as embarrassing. Yet during that time, I used my new position to connect with the other women and people I came in contact with. I went to work everyday showing up to do my work duties and my Kingdom duties. I believe there is ministry in everything we do. On our jobs, in families, in our communities, and within our social circles. God had literally placed me in a position to serve His people and I loved every moment of it. Within a few months promoted to bartender and trainer. Just 6 months with the company, I was offered a position as manager. What came from my time with Hooters and driving LYFT, 60 plus hours a week, was my calling to serve and intercede for God’s people. At the time I didn’t know what that exactly meant, but I was prepared to focus on my relationship with God to find out. Living in Arizona with no family support, I have had to rely heavily on my Heavenly Father. Through healing from the divorce, childhood trauma, coparenting, covid, homeschooling, real estate and everything in between, God has groomed me for everything I was going to have to deal with. I would’ve never thought it would be proclaiming to the world I’m a MILF and chosen by God. Looking over my life, I’ve always seen the glory of God, even as a child living in chaos. My life’s blessings and lessons have motivated me to build a legacy for my family and aid in sharing God’s love to Make It Last Forever.
What is a MILF? How did you come up with the name and the idea?
MILF Ministry? Who are we? So a ministry defined by the world is a person or thing by which something is accomplished. That’s literally from google. MILF defined by the world is a mother I’d like to faaaaget about it!!! I think you know the rest. So how does MILF and ministry mix? To understand this Ministry, it is CRITICAL that you ignore how the world defines a MILF. A MILF is a woman who defines her own femininity, she holds the power to produce. Regardless of her ability to bear children or if she has children, she is CHOSEN. Her ability to bear children does not hinder her ability to produce. As women we have all the power to produce. It’s created in us. A MILF is a woman who does the conscious and intentional work to reach the best version of herself to bear lasting fruit for herself and her legacy. She’s a woman living her life for those connected to her and those to come after her; she is VALUABLE.
John 15:16 tells us “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you, so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.”
This confirms to me that God is trying to assemble His children. His intention is to bless us when we bear fruit. When we bear our circumstance, our relationship, our job, our children, our abuse, our neglect, our loss, our business, our family. Bear meaning to hold up; support. To hold or remain firm under pressure. To tend in a course or direction; to move. To go. To strive harder; intensify one’s efforts. To strive toward. That’s what the dictionary says. I mean I looked it up to really help my sisters comprehend what I’m saying. Really, it is truly for myself that I am choosing to be grounded in the word that is John 15:16. Still, in order to receive that promise we have to bear down and do the conscious and intentional work to receive the lasting fruit promised to us. It should be our Spiritset, Heartset, Mindset, and Bodyset to make conscious choices in every moment of our lives. Realizing our choices in life determines the fruit we produce, it is CRITICAL for us to be intentional in our actions, thoughts, finances, communication, emotions, gifts and talents. Not only should we want blessings, growth, healing, forgiveness, wealth, and health for ourselves, but it should be our mission to Make It Last Forever (MILF) and overflow to those around us and those to come after us.
What made you decide to create and launch your own brand?
Honestly the world is filled with so much filth and untreated sin and trauma. You can’t run away from it. It’s on our phones, on our jobs, in our schools, in our government, in our communities. But more seriously, it’s in our hearts, in our minds, in our spirits, and in our bodies. They say “Change your mind and you can change the world.” I say “Change your heart and you can impact the world; only God can change people.” I launched MILF Ministry to add a little light in the mix of the filth. GOD has given me the word MILF. At a place in my life where I was the lowest, He sent me just one word. I had looked at myself in the mirror, after a failed 9 year marriage and fleeing a toxic unstable relationship. I was homeless and jobless, while protecting my 5 year old from something that’s going to be so difficult to share. I found myself looking at my life. How could a girl from Jersey City, New Jersey get married at 18, move across the country, build a successful prosperous life, purchase her first home at 20, have a beautiful baby at 23 , and sell her first home at 25 to purchase a second home? Just to lose that home at 27, my marriage, my sanity, and essentially who I was. To be honest, I had put myself in one of the worst situations due to childhood abandonment, abuse, rejection, hurt, pain, and neglect. My trauma from childhood stalked me into my adulthood. Coupling all that junk with the challenges I faced in my marriage, I allowed my feelings to dictate my reactions and actions. Even in my sin, pain, loneliness, abandonment, anger and fear God gave me a word. MILF. He said this is for you, now go make it mine. REdefine and REpresent it back to the world in my name, and this time make it last forever. That was in 2018. Over the next couple of years God has confirmed this word to me through scripture, trials, love, miracles, innovation, creativity, and connections with so many amazing women.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a black woman attempting to launch your own brand?
There have been challenges for sure. From funding a business with my own resources to having to teach myself how to do everything. This includes everything from website designing to learning biblical knowledge inorder to appropriately convey the message. Not including the challenges of being a mother who exclusively breastfeeds, homeschools her girls, being a Realtor and finding time to cultivate this Ministry. Truthfully, it’s really me that’s my biggest challenge. Like really, how can a black girl from Jersey City, New Jersey really convey to the world what God has placed in my heart. All of the other challenges I’ve mentioned and those that sit on the tablet of my heart will be overcome by the power and will of God. I believe that to be true. Being transparent, I still question myself and my ability to handle the assignment. Then I remember the word says, not by might nor by power. To overcome the challenges of myself I daily seek God for His direction and strength. I refrain from listening to secular music, I monitor what I watch, I fast, journal and I’ve also taken a vow of celibacy. Like I said, the challenge is me! I’m not the woman I used to be. I’m in love with today’s version of me and I’m on a forever journey of becoming and seeking God for what He has to say about my life. I know things will work out for good, I just want to make sure that I’m killing off what was in the old me. I often dream of MILF reaching billions of women and transforming their lives. What a blessing that would be. In the meantime, I’m allowing it to transform me.
How would you describe your personal style and your brand’s style?
So God has revealed MILF to me in seasons. At one point He told me to get rid of all my clothes and donate them. Mind you these were all items that came from my previous marriage in my early 20’s. I didn’t have a “style”. I like to be comfortable and free. Also, I really love my body soooooo, yea, I like to embrace my femininity by wearing a variety of styles. Bohemian, chic, comfy, casual, fitness. I’m literally all over the place with my style. Weirdly I asked God what He thought about my style. In other words my Bodyset. From hygiene and fitness, to skincare and haircare, I sought His counsel. So when He told me to get rid of my clothes, I had no idea 3 months down the line I would launch a Ministry featuring a LYFEStyle Collection: Women of the Bible. We offer 7 different sets available in multiple colors named in honor of 7 women in the bible. Like I said, I like to be comfy so these pieces are suitable for allwear. We are not a fitness brand, athletic brand or boutique. We are a LYFEStyle brand encouraging women to be their true authentic selves regardless of what the world says. Throughout the bible, God has used women to be an avenue for greater. Whether greater being brought out such as the STRENGTH we see in Mary, the mother of Jesus who also happened to be a virgin and a young mom. Or even greater in our spirit like the FAITH God developed in Sarah while in old age and barren. We honor these women and other women in the bible for being ICONS of yesterday, today and tomorrow. They are the original MILFs. A MILF comes in all different colors, personalities, professions, religions and so much more. You can’t put me in a box. These days I’m proudly wearing MILF. I put together a collection of my entire wardrobe. I’ve called it 50 Shades of MILF. Every piece is named in honor of my chosen sisters all around the world. Chloe and Carly are my favorite pieces from the 50 Shades of MILF Collection. Maybe it’s because they are in honor of my daughters. For my day to day look, Ruth and Eve in every color please and thank you! I really don’t like to focus too much on aesthetics, but as God grows my ministry I will ultimately offer every genre of clothing available in sizes up to 5XL. That’s my prayer. We don’t understand that we can seek God for small things and He will assist us in cultivating who we are, style and all. My sisters can now come look through my wardrobe. I know there’s something in there for every kind of woman.
How does your faith drive/inspire you creatively?
I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. I have no idea where that is in the bible, but I know there is a deep need for me to planted in this. While I continue to pray that God aligns me to receive the spiritual/biblical education and mentorship I need, I put my faith in His word and the desire to create that He has placed inside of me. It’s the pace of grace for me. I’m learning to create my content around my life and the word rather than putting the content first. This requires me to be in daily relation with the Lord. Killing my flesh as it wields its compulsions speaking fear and doubt into my mind. Thankfully, I rest in my creator who calls me a masterpiece. The clay doesn’t worry about what it will be. I rest in the hands of the potter. I mean it’s easier said than done, but when you’re a MILF you are planted in knowing you were chosen and God will supply you with the innovation and creativity you need. While I rest in Him, I allow my creativity to flow and grow. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop; idle lips are his mouthpiece. So it’s God’s word and desire He placed in me that inspires and drives me to create.
Can you tell us about your podcast and what to expect from it?
I am so excited that God has expanded my ministry. Having this community via Podcast will give me the opportunity to connect more personally and in depth with my sisters. MILF Ministry’s: Diary of a MILF Censored* is just that. My Diary. My first few diary entries (episodes) will be to help my sisters understand what a MILF is. I’ll first spend time explaining what it requires to live this LYFEStyle (Love Yourself ForEver). I plan to go in depth on how to set your Spirit, Heart, Mind, and Body to receive and produce lasting fruit to become a redefined MILF. Through the MILF Ministry’s: Diary of a MILF Censored Podcast, I want to give my sisters a look into my diary and share censored stories showing them how God has raised me and changed me. You may get Dasia or you may get that Jersey girl Rondasia. Either way, I plan to be transparent, real, and authentic. It’s not going to be easy to share some of the things that I’ll discuss, but I’ve had a good habit of seeing God in everything. Through sharing my life’s blessings and lessons I really want to reach women like me who have not made the best decisions in the past. Still she acknowledges the hedge of protection God has had over her life. Through the Podcast I hope to build an exclusive community of women with a mission to spread the message to ALL women that she is chosen. Right as she is, right where she is with everything she has.
How do you balance your family responsibilities and your multiple work responsibilities?
Can we truly be balanced in a world that is so chaotic? There are so many things that go on in and outside of my life that are out of my control. From co-parenting with a difficult parent to homeschooling my 4th grader due to what’s happening in society, I’d go crazy if I actually thought I possessed the power to keep it all together. I’ve learned if I try to balance my life I will eventually break at some point. When I surrender my life to God, He provides me with a personal blueprint. He has one especially designed for all of us. For me, it’s a moment by moment intentional act of allowing the pace of grace to lead me. I continue to stay in the word and daily I’m in relationship with God. I believe we have to lose our lives in order to live. I refer to it as killing my flesh. Life has taught me that when I reside at the feet of Jesus, He will order my steps.
What is your ultimate goal? For you career and your brand?
To keep it precise and sweet, for God to get the Glory. PERIODT!
Is there anything else coming from you that people should be on the lookout for?
This ministry is still on the rise. Right now I’m really focusing on REpresenting the word MILF and spreading the mission that as women we are loved, forgiven, and chosen. As God expands me I really want to start a non profit MA (MILF’s Anonymous). I want to get Uncensored with my sisters where I bear it all. So keep a look out for Subscribers Only MILF’s Anonymous exclusive community coming to a location near you. Here I will leave nothing off the table in discussion. I will also open the door to allow my sisters an opportunity to share their testimonies in a safe space. That’s the vision, until then I just want to grow and flow. So everyone should stay plugged in and connected to follow me on this journey. God has so many plans for us all.
What advice would you give to your fellow aspiring entrepreneurs?
Here’s the thing. Whether you believe in the power of God or that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected and ascended to heaven or not. You should believe in the power of yourself. If you don’t, you need to reach out to my boy Jesus. His daddy holds the power to give you the power to do whatever you need to do for every single day. Not only as entrepreneurs, but as women, we bear so much. Seeking God for the blueprint for your business, home, career, raising your children, healing trauma and so much more is the key to all success. Before you pay for mentorship or follow hundreds of people on Instagram, make the best decision of your life in every aspect and lift your hands to ask God “What am I doing?” and in the nick of time He’ll grow you into the woman you are destined to become.
And finally, what does the term “The Culture” mean to you?
Before I’m an American, before I’m a woman, before I’m a black woman, I am a child of God. Culture for me is Christ. Jesus was the perfect example of how we can and should live. There are so many pieces of Him that we aren’t previewed to. Jesus was remarkable in everything He said and did. He taught like no man ever had or has since. All four of the Gospels focus on Jesus’ death, with his teachings and miracles serving more as preludes than the main point. The way he lived his life has taught us valuable lessons that we reject in our multi-cultures. Think about it though. If he was made in the likeness of God and also man, I would imagine he was the faultless and crowning model for all walks of life. The OG trend setter. Christ is the Reconciler of cultures — he is the one who can bring people of different cultures together. Christ is the Redeemer of cultures — he brings wholeness and hope to people of all cultures. Christ is the Ruler of cultures — he is the one who establishes the standards by which all cultures are ultimately to be judged. He sets the stage for us to be set apart. Christ allows us to be unique and influential to all ways of life. This includes but doesn’t limit to arts, beliefs, processes, music, fashion, entertainment and institutions of mankind that are passed down from generation to generation to make it last forever! Christ is CULTURE.
We hope you enjoyed our Dasia Moore MILF Ministry interview. Check out some of our other interviews:
- Charlie Allen – MUA and Beauty Line Owner
- Kim SoMajor – Hip-Hop Weekly Editor-In-Chef
- Chauncey K Robinson – Journalist/YouTuber
Written by @TalentedMrFord